Genesis 1:11-12 (KJV) "And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good."
Bear braced herself for the worst as she opened the shade of the Den's front window one morning after a major storm. She expected the beautiful purple flower, which had lately so cheered her heart, to be bent and broken by the high winds and pelting rain of the evening before, its petals in shreds.
And it had been such a nice flower too.
She was not one for gardening, and so plants grew wild around the Den, living and dying on their own. Bear never planted flowers. Yet this one had insisted on growing right in front of her window, all alone, within direct sight when she was working at the computer. And she had quickly grown quite fond of it.
Although the storm had mostly subsided now, the wind was still blowing rather persistently this morning.
Bear peeked around the shade.
The little iris stood strong, waving and dancing in the wind.
She stared. Then put on her glasses to double check.
The purple flower smiled back at her, assuring her that all was well with the world.
Still not believing her eyes, she headed out the front door of the Den to get a closer look. Gently, she lifted the flower's petals with a paw, in wonder. They were not even torn! Yet so fragile. How could they have possibly survived the storm? How was the plant still standing now? Small branches had broken off the trees.
It was always so easy to overlook the incredible miracles of God's creation and handiwork, while rushing about in the day to day routines and activities of the Den. Easy to feel overwhelmed by life's problems and worries and storms. Easy for Bear herself to feel fragile, convinced that the next blast of a storm would surely take her down. Yet here stood proof that God was quite able to make the most delicate of His creations stand, no matter what the weather brought.
How much more would He do for Bear and His other beloved children, walking through the valleys and storms of this life?
After examining the plant for long minutes, Bear still felt awed. She grabbed her camera and tried to get a picture of her flower friend's smiling face. But it was a tricky shot, and kept coming out blurry. Because the subject wouldn't hold still for its photo.
It was too busy, joyously dancing in the wind.
Susan over at Forever His is hosting Word Filled Wednesday this week. So be sure and drop over there as well, to find links to the whole selection of entries by Christian writers, and/or to add a link of your own and join in the fun! We all welcome comments and discussion! (Also see Bear's post from yesterday for more of an explanation of Word Filled Wednesday, if you're unfamiliar with it).
Bear's news and free multi-media Christian resources: Bear's Writing Den
Simply beautiful!!!
Thanks so much for joining us today!
Beautiful photo and story. Thanks for sharing.
This is so special, love it.
What an awesome story to go with your WFW...
What a beautiful flower and story! Happy WFW!
Yes, if he considers the Lilly or the Iris , how much more He will consider us , His redeemed ones ! Beautiful story & wonderful WFW!Thanks for becoming my 100th follower . I am now your happy follower .
What a wonderful story. I just love it.
Thank you for stopping by and following. I am now following because I am interested in Bear's adventures.
We all aspire to that, don't we? Being able to survive the storms of life and dance afterwards. What a beautiful thought you've given me today. Thanks.
And thank you also for following along at Sugar Tails. I look forward to getting to know you!
Thank you Bear for a beautiful story! Thank you for dropping by my blog allowing me to find yours. Will be reading you more often.
May you continue to walk in the favor of our Lord.
Linda J
This is absolutely beautiful! He cares about the flowers, yet so much more for us.
LOVED THIS! So wonderful and encouraging!
Love it, Beautiful, what a wonderful WFW!
This post is delightful. I can see that you delight in the Lord and His goodness. God bless you.
What a beautiful picture and story..Thanks.
A beautiful flower and precious post ~
Beautiful picture, verse and story! You definitely have a knack for writing. :D
Have a great weekend!
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