: Today Bear's featuring a short skit, in the form of a 5 minute mime, which has swept the country in recent years and touched many hearts in a very special way. It has been performed at auditoriums, parks, schools, and churches... never without impact.
It's usually done by youth groups. However, more and more, a lot of adult groups are performing it as well. With good reason.
Bear first saw it at a church service about three years ago, as a video displayed on the church's overhead screen, and it moved her deeply, bringing tears to her eyes. She'd wanted to see it again, but didn't know where to find it or what it was called. So she was delighted to stumble across it a few weeks ago. Not only did she find the performance similar to what she originally saw, which is targeted toward portraying some of the battles that youth face (although very applicable to adults also), but she also stumbled onto a second version of it, that has been changed in form quite a bit, to address married couples and the battles they face.
Below is a video of that five minute mime, which goes by the name of Lifehouse's Everything Skit, plus the second video showing a very similar mime, much more rarely seen, which is the variation on the original theme -- Lifehouse Everything for couples.
There's a lot packed into five minutes, for each video. And each time Bear watches it, the Holy Spirit ministers something new to her through it. And every time it hits the climatic scene, a chill literally runs through her -- the impact is so strong.
However, there's one thing that bothers Bear when she watches these videos, just a bit. Part of the skit involves a person portraying God (the first person you see in the video, in fact). And, no matter how many groups Bear has now watched doing this skit (via You Tube) ... youth groups, adult groups, professional groups, and amateurs... she has never found an actor acting the part of God that she felt really comfortable with. The portrayal always seems to fall short for her. But then, that makes sense. Any actor, whether amateur or professional, trying to portray God, is bound to fall pretty short of the mark. :-)
One tip, while watching these videos, is to be sure and watch the action on BOTH sides of the stage as much as possible. God is on one side of the stage, and the person battling is on the other side of the stage during most the skit. And yet the actions of God on His side, and the other people's actions on the other side of the stage are BOTH important to see, in order to enjoy the skit to the fullest.
For those who have seen this skit done before, you're bound to enjoy it again, and it's very moving to watch different groups performing it. Plus, the second one here (the variation -- similar yet different), which deals with married couples, is a whole different experience...
(NOTE: If you don't see the two videos, you aren't on the Den's Homepage and need to click on Bear's Writing Den and look there for them.)
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Bear's news and free multi-media Christian resources: Bear's Writing Den
Awesome, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing.
Very cool! Thanks for sharing!
I've seen this skit performed live. It teaches a great lesson. Thank you for sharing the videos.
I've never seen that second version before...very powerful!
It speaks to me every time I watch it , Thanks so much for sharing !
I have seen both of these skits performed live. Everytime they touch my deeply and today was no exception. Thank you for sharing.
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