Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Happenings -- Why does God let His people suffer?

Joni and Dave slay the Goliath in their lives

Two internationally famous people with severe handicaps are visiting the Den today to give "no holds barred" accounts of what it's like when God doesn't heal and lets pain continue. Each acknowledges times they wanted to die, and how they overcame that battle. Each talks, near tears, about the tough times, and how they won through. They talk of their trials, their faith, times when faith seemed as distant as the stars, and what keeps them going.

Dave Roever (aka "Davey") was severely burned by an explosive when stationed in Vietnam, and went through years of endless pain and plastic surgeries, before his condition became stabilized. Despite severe disfigurement and scarring, he has gone on to become a leader in Veterans' issues, and also has a nationwide youth ministry to teens.

Not one to pull punches, he says, in the midst of his video talk here at the Den...

"And she..." (NOTE:  He's referring to Jan Crouch of TBN who was interviewing him on a show some years back.) "And she said to me, 'You know why God let you be maimed, scarred, and burned, don't you?'"

"And I'm thinking to myself, 'No. But this blue haired wonder is going to explain all that to me.'  I was so mad at her, I could have pinched her little head off. But this was not the Jerry Springer show. This was Christian TV, where you fake it for Jesus..."

However, in his 10 minute video here (after a two minute intro video biography put together by High School Students who admire him), Mr. Roever sure doesn't fake anything.

Joni Eareckson Tada also is transparently honest in her video discussion.  She became a quadriplegic in her late teen years, from a diving accident. And afterward became famous through her paintings (which are painted using her teeth to hold the brush); as well as through her best selling books, her beautiful singing, and as a prize-winning radio broadcaster.

In her talk (a nine minute clip recorded out of a longer Larry King Show interview), she comes near tears, talking about the trials she faces daily, and lays things on the line with total openness ...

"Honestly Larry, 37 years later," she says (referring to the original time of the accident that caused her to be paralyzed), "Don't be thinking I'm spiritually strong. I'm no veteran at this paralysis thing. I'm not a professional quadriplegic. I wake up in the morning many times, and I'll hear my girlfriend come in the front door ... and I know she's going to come into my bedroom in a minute, and she's going to give me a bed bath, get me dressed, sit me in a wheelchair, brush my hair, brush my teeth, blow my nose. And there are times when I'm still having my eyes closed, thinking, 'God, I have no strength for this! I can't face this...'"

And then in the final eight minute clip, she talks about another challenge she faces, and then sings.

Bear edited these four clips from Joni and Davey into one continuously playing video that lasts just 30 minutes. Because Bear had a very rough day this week and was discouraged. And listening to these people's talks, and seeing their tears and their strength and wisdom, encouraged Bear much. And she thinks the video footage is well worth sharing, and likely to lift and encourage others as well.

So Bear is honored to have Joni and Davey visit the Den for this week's "Sunday Happenings", telling how they've learned to slay that Goliath of daily discouragement in their lives, so they can continue to take flight on Eagle's Wings and accomplish so much.

(For those receiving this by Feeds or on Facebook, you'll need to visit the Den's Living Room to see this video.)

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