Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tackle it Tuesday -- Shakespeare or David?

Today's Tackle it Tuesday assignment from FaithWriters Blog:

"April is National Poetry Month! So, in celebration of poetry, your Tackle-It Tuesday assignment on this last Tuesday of the month, is to write a poem about poetry. It can be a Haiku, rhyming, sentimental, or humorous. Keep it under 50 words and make sure the actual topic of your poem is poetry."

Bear wrote:

Where do people search
For great poetry
Shakespeare had nothing
Over David
A man of war
A keeper of sheep
Conquered Goliath
Fell with Bathsheba
A prophet
A king
A slinger of stones
A swinger of swords
A singer of beautiful
God inspired Psalms
A man after God’s
Own Heart

Now Bear is going to go rest some more -- a rough day physically.
Bear's news and free multi-media Christian resources: Bear's Writing Den


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