-- Just as prayer was taken out of schools in the 60's; so also, Thursday may have been our LAST National Prayer Day. Christians lament over how "asleep" we were "back in the 60's". But are we awake now? Here are moving scenes from Prayer Day, as well as related news coverage in 25 min. of video that inspired Bear much...
ONE Federal District Court Judge, Barbara Crabb, arbitrarily declared National Day of Prayer unconstitutional, and it is rocking the Nation...
Bear spent hours checking the Search Engines for short video clips to both make the issues clearer in her own heart and to lift her and encourage her to pray more. Although it only takes 25 minutes to watch them all, they are incredibly uplifting and inspiring as a unit. They're great to pray with, to worship with, and even for getting updated on some of the details of the issues.
Bear will eventually be posting them in the Prayer Room also, available all year around, because they are timeless in their message and the way they lift in the Spirit. And she'll be watching them many times more herself, as an encouragement and call to prayer in her daily life.
Are we praying enough? Are we staying up to date enough on this issue? Are we interceding enough for these leaders? Are we standing...
Or will we be saying in a few decades ... if only we had been awake back then...
Why didn't we stand?
(NOTE: If you don't see the media player here, you aren't on the Den's Homepage and need to click on Bear's Writing Den and look there for it).
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